Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yup ! It's Us

The difficulty of starting a blog is that the first impression is made in the first few lines of text. (Should we be serious, funny, thoughtful, sarcastic, or down right stupid?) As with all good communication you want the first few lines to grab the attention of the reader in such a way that they want to dive into the rest of the "blog" to reap the rewards of spending a few minutes of their life online.

None of such nonsense with our blog. It's just a bit about us and our family! Welcome to the Bryan and Rhonda Klingler Klan blog! (Thus the brklinglerklan address.) Not much imagination and certainly does not catch one's attention. However, we will try to have a bit of fun as we enjoy the ups and downs, the stress and relaxation, the fun and (hopefuly not often) sadness of our lives.

So, please sit back, read on!


TheBassettBunch said...

yeah peer presure works! love ya guys!

Molly Bee said...

Yay! Welcome to Blogdom! (Melinda)

The Bassett Kids

The Bassett Kids
Aren't they the cutest!

Jeremiah Bryan Klingler

Jeremiah Bryan Klingler
Man I'm Tired!