Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother's Day Dinner

It was not going to work out having everyone at our home for Mother's day so we decided to all meet in Vacaville which is halfway for Cortney and Cecil and us. That way we all got to be together except Crystal and Brian in Utah. (We will get to see them in two days! Yeah!)
This was such a fun time. Look at Rhonda. Doesn't she look beautiful! She seemed to be so happy with eveyone around.


Crystal said...

Bummer we weren't there! I love seeing everyone! We will see you soon!

Molly Bee said...

Beautiful family you guys have there. I sure wish we were closer!

Mark and Renee Davis and Family said...

It was good to hear from you guys. We stopped at your house in Santa Rosa a couple years ago but no one was home. It's been good to reconnect. We hope that everyone in your family is doing well and if you're ever in the mood to visit Germany you're welcome to stay with us.

The Bassett Kids

The Bassett Kids
Aren't they the cutest!

Jeremiah Bryan Klingler

Jeremiah Bryan Klingler
Man I'm Tired!